swaybubu » swaybubu - mae'r blog o sway Mewngofnodi

Creu Blog!


** Rhannwch y blog **

Gwybodaeth gyffredinol


Creu: 07/07/2008 19:21
Diweddariad: 26/07/2008 18:48
Erthyglau 10
Delweddau 8
Sylwadau 4
Ymweliadau o'r wythnos 3247
Cyfanswm ymweliadau 990

yo c'est hémicaca
is pis di counasse
salut c'est héma montagné, ''on va s'aimer...''
si t'a un blèmepro j'suis al
ford gt

swaybubu :: swaybubu

sway nid oes gan blog arall!

France - sway
Swydd: 960/56779 aelodau

Mae'r eitemau yn cael eu datrys o diweddaraf i'r hynaf!

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Erthygl: salut c'est héma montagné, ''on va s'aimer...'' - 08/07/2008 13:10

salut c'est héma montagné, ''on va s'aimer...''

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Erthygl: si t'a un blèmepro j'suis al - 08/07/2008 13:09

si t'a un blèmepro j'suis al

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Erthygl: HEMA - 08/07/2008 13:07


bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Erthygl: WITHOUT DAD - 08/07/2008 13:05


It's funny, I don't thought I'll come me

But the time pass and I've like an empty...

I wander, slowly I consume me and it gnaw me

It gnaw me...

I've say ''funny''

Only mixe up words with toughts will be nasty



Sometimes I think that I'm crazy

If only he lacked me

I would like a sign, a gesture

But say me why, are we impure

Tidy right by oneself

Trouble by you, in spite of myself



With a hatred which amplify, I grow

The fact of feel her betray, I've saw

My hope, you've lick

At my all first step, you isn't there, I feel sick

Cuz' at your last, to cry will be impossible me. There, I'll not be

Since, you is this father who've disown me



I'm whithout regrets

You'll be never for me, that an object

Think at you, too much for me

And I mope about



You is this person, distant at my heart

In my soul, my spirit you hurt

Inevitably, my character fall i the éxubérance

You haven't make part of my childhood

Come on ! To shothe my sorrows, that I block off

My solitude, otherwise, I'm off



Look at me ! I bear your name

My hope of see you, became moribond

I tame this deficient in a way

That I savor day after day

Cuz' in my veins flow your blood

But don't forget, I'll goto the end, understood



I'm without regrets

You'll be never for me, that an object

Think at you, too much for me

And I mope about



I'm without regrets

I'm without dad

No regrets, na dad



I'm without regrets

You'll be never for me,that an object

Think at you, too much for me

And I mope about



I'm on despairs

Cuz' I grow in the fear

Of no to have' a genetical father

For who my drops to gathers



''Dad, I take me the liberty to do of you make object it of my cotroversy. First an d foremost, I would like that you was this father, the one on who, we can rely on. Now, I return suddenly at the reality which is if embittered. Addly, my dreams transformed into nightmares, by the simply fact of think at you. But I've one father, maybe genetic, but father all the same''.